{The 5-A-Day Book Challenge - Week 1}

Photo by Maribeth

Anna over at The Imagination Tree has issued a Challenge! Are you up for it?

Her challenge is called the 5-A-Day Book Challenge. She is challenging you to pick 5 books and read all 5 of them to your kids every day for a week (or more). The next week, you pick 5 more. (Of course, this doesn't mean you should only read those 5 books in a day! Certainly Princess Pea would go nutty if she didn't get at least a couple of her beloved Anna es Peti stories in daily!) You can read more about the challenge here. Reading aloud and repetition are, of course, crucial for children's early literacy development. At least two of the books should be rhyming/rhythmic/repetition books, so children can quickly learn to 'join in' in telling and re-telling the story. By the end of the week, you should see your kids doing just that!

I suspect this will be a very popular challenge in the Pea household, as both girls love books, and love reading the same ones over and over and over. In fact, this will be a popular challenge for me, because it means I get to at least change up the books each week! The three of us picked the books together, and here are our picks for this week:

The Gruffalo
The Gruffalo - Written by Julia Donaldson, Illustrated by Axel Scheffler
A fun rhyming story of how a clever little mouse outsmarts all the animals who want to eat him for lunch!

The Eye Book
The Eye Book - Written by Dr. Seuss, Illustrated by Joe Mathieu
In true Seuss style, a simple rhyming book that builds vocabulary, too.
What's Wrong, Little Pookie?

Sandra Boynton's Pookie character is a favourite in our house, and this story is both sweet and funny.

Hop On Pop

Classic Dr. Seuss nonsense!
The Mole Sisters and the Fairy Ring
The Mole Sisters and the Fairy Ring - Written and Illustrated by Roslyn Schwartz
The Mole Sisters series is a sweet little series about two very imaginative moles and their imaginary adventures. Very simple text and lovely pastel illustrations.

I realised afterwards that we had ended up with two Dr. Seuss books, but ah well. There's plenty more opportunities to read more books!

So, let the challenge begin! (By the way, if you're interested in joining the challenge, pop on over to The Imagination Tree's 5-A-Day Book Challenge and leave a comment listing your 5 for the week!)


PS - I was impressed tonight as we were reading them, when Princess Pea right away pointed out which ones were rhyming books! She's a smart Pea, that one!

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