Princess Pea has a fear of getting her nails cut. Over the years we have managed to assuage her fears of fingernail cutting, but we have made very little progress with the toenail-cutting-phobia. The only way I can convince her to let me do them at all is with promises of nail polish. So we play salon and I give her a full pedicure - a little footbath, cut her nails, a foot massage with some lotion, and finally the beloved nail polish in the colour of her choice (from a very limited and pale selection!). It's quite a procedure as you can imagine. And this certainly doesn't mean that she will just let me cut her nails without a fuss - there's still plenty of fussing, belive me! The polish is just the bait that gets us through to the end.
Anyway, after observing this procedure last Friday, Sweet Pea decided that she wanted to give it a go.....
So what started out as a regular painting activity....
soon turned into painting her toes....
and my toes...
and then Snuggle Bear's toes...
before moving on to other body parts!
Anyone else need their hair painted?
Fortunately, they were watercolours with mostly just water on the brush!

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