{Guest Post - Oatmeal Playdough}

This is a guest post by Sarah of A Teacher At Heart. Sarah currently (but not for much longer!) lives in China with her husband and young son. She blogs about the fun learning activities that she and her son get up to, and her blog is also co-authored by her mother and sister-in-law. All three are teachers and use their teaching backgrounds to share ways to help all parents to teach our own children.

We are leaving this country (China) and heading to Canada next weekend!  While we couldn’t be more excited, we have lots to do around our home.  Including: dumping.  No matter how much I’d like to put it off, I know I will feel much better unpacking if I’ve put a bit of effort into cleaning out before the movers come.

So…..What do you do with extra oatmeal and flour? 

Make play dough, of course!!

We made a blue batch and a green half-batch.  Then that is the end of our flour and oatmeal!  Score!

This was my Little Man’s first time to experience the greatness that is Play Dough!   I couldn’t have been more excited. 

He poked and prodded, pulled and smushed. 

He ripped and stacked, filled and dumped the tin.

It was lovely.

Honestly, he was calmly engaged for about 15 minutes.  That is quite a while for my little 16 Month Old!

While this is not my favorite-of-all-time recipe, I do have to say, I loved it!  It was quick, easy, inexpensive, nontoxic and full of oat goodness.  (Because, you know some made it to his mouth.  Given.)

I’m known for only using the most complicated recipes.  Cough, cough.  So here is another to add to my list:

Thanks so much to Sarah for sharing with us over here today! Be sure to check out her blog, A Teacher at Heart, for more great baby/toddler activities.
