{Back to School Books}

back to school books preschool kindergarten first grade

This year both my girls are starting new school experiences. Princess Pea will be starting first grade, and is bursting with excitement. Sweet Pea will be starting preschool, leaving our house and going 'out into the world alone' for the first time ever! (I wouldn't say she's bursting with excitement - she's more introverted and takes time to warm up in social situations.)

As always, we have been turning to books to help them with these transitions - to allay any fears and create positive yet realistic expectations of their new experiences....

If you have a little one making similar transitions, here are our book recommendations:

back to school books for preschool

back to school books for first grade

The Night Before Preschool and
The Night Before First Grade 
by Natasha Wing

Written in the style of the poem, The Night Before Christmas, these books help kids prepare for their new school experiences by giving them a peek at what can be expected as well as helping to soothe fears and deal with potential problems such as making friends (in the preschool book) and not being in the same class as a best friend (in the first grade book). These two books have been perfect for our two, as these are exactly the situations we are experiencing this year. There's also a Kindergarten version.

back to school books for separation anxiety

The Kissing Hand 
by Audrey Penn

This book is perfect for a child experiencing separation anxiety or fears. We used it a lot with Sweet Pea this year when she was having a hard time dealing with me going to work as well as with Princess Pea when she started kindergarten in January. The characters present a sweet and loving routine to help ease the transition.

books for starting preschool

Maisy Goes To Preschool
by Lucy Cousins

We used this when Princess Pea started preschool, and now again with Sweet Pea. This book does a wonderful job of showing young children what to expect at preschool - the kinds of activities and routines that most preschools incorporate - with simple words and pictures.

books for starting nursery school

Tip the Mouse Doesn't Want To Go To Nursery School 
by Anna Casalis

If you have a child that isn't 100% on board with the idea of preschool, this one is a good one to turn to. The character in this story is reluctant to go, so the mother allows him to stay home. But once he sees what mothers do while their kids are at school (ironing, grocery shopping, talking on the phone!), he soon grows bored and finds that preschool is definitely the better option.

back to school books first day read aloud

by Kevin Henkes

This is one of my favourite first day of school read-alouds as a teacher, but it's also a great one for kids getting ready for their first days of a new school year, whether it be their first year of school, the first day at a new school, or any time during the school year when a child is having trouble with friends. In this story, Chrysanthemum encounters some teasing, but learns to be proud of what makes her special.

What are your back to school book recommendations? I'd love to hear them! Leave a comment below or share your favourites over on my facebook page here.


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