{Three to Five Playful Preschool: New Resource for Parents}

Three to Five: Playful Preschool

Creative, Hands-On Learning

It's here! And you're going to LOVE all the brilliant, playful learning activities inside! The awesome new preschoolers' parent resource I was telling you about, "Three to Five: Playful Preschool" is ready for you all to download!

Why is it so awesome? Well, aside from the fact that Mama Pea Pod is a co-author (ahem!), there are plenty of reasons:

"Three to Five: Playful Preschool" is loaded with fun, play-based learning activities to help support your preschooler's development - from early literacy to early math learning to gross and fine motor skills to science and art, this e-book will help you provide learning experiences for your preschooler across a broad range of developmental skill areas through age-appropriate, play-based learning activities.

In addition to more than 25 playful learning activities and links to over 50 more activities and resources, the book also comes with 10 free printables to complement the activities - all brought to you by some amazing kids' activities bloggers including Nurturestore, Teach Preschool, Happy Hooligans, No Time for Flashcards and many more! And as an ebook, it is available everywhere worldwide for download directly to your computer, e-reader, and/or mobile device, so you always have it handy when you need it!*

And it's a steal! You can get your copy for the regular price of only $8.99! It's waiting for you :-) 

Three to Five Playful Preschool ebook resource for parents cover image

Here are some more reasons why you should get your hands on your own copy:

*It's an amazing resource!
*Hands-on, play-based learning activities
*Inspiring ideas, yet practical for every parent
*Handy checklist of developmental skills covered by each activity
*Convenience - with everything all in one place, just think how much time you will save by having all that searching already done for you!
*Gorgeous photographs with step-by-step guides - and all things you can easily do at home!
*Over 25 ideas for preschoolers, ten printable resources (including a city-scape play scene, My First Journal pages, recipe card, numbers game, weather chart printables, alphabet play mats, unique hand-drawn art pages, conversation cards, block building challenge cards, bookmarks) and additional links to over 50 more activities!
*A range of activities to meet your preschooler's various developmental needs: hands-on, learning through play, math, language, literacy, science, art, sensory, gross motor and fine motor play and more
*At only $8.99 (regular price) you really can't beat that deal!

Think your friends would like a copy? Share this post with them using the share buttons below my signature, below!

You can buy it now, on any device, and then download it when you are ready. Depending on the apps you have installed and your operating system, you might be able to go ahead and download the book directly onto your mobile device, but if you have any doubts or problems, I recommend you use a computer to download the book and then share it to your mobile devices.


{Come One, Come All, Step Right Up! Awesome Resource for Preschool Parents!}

Come One, Come All! Step Right Up!

Awesome Resource for Parents of {Preschoolers}

Parenting a preschooler is a ton of fun - and a ton of work! There is so much they need from us at this age of learning and discovery, and it can seem like a big responsibility to ensure they have access to all the right learning opportunities! I find myself constantly asking myself, "Are they getting enough fine motor skills practice?", "When was the last time they engaged in sensory play?", "How can we squeeze in more math learning?", and everything else in between! Pinterest is great for finding ideas, but I do find that I spend more time pinning than actually doing!

If you have a preschooler, too, and this sounds familiar, well, I'm thrilled to announce that I might just have exactly what you (and I!) need!

three to five playful preschool ebook hands on play based learning ideas for preschoolers

This awesome new e-book, "Three to Five: Playful Preschool" is packed with fun, play-based learning activities for helping to support your preschooler's development - all conveniently in one place! Available now for only $8.99, this is an awesome resource for parents of 3-5 year olds and includes more than 25 playful learning resources plus 10 free printables and links to more than 50 more activities and resources for parents of preschoolers - all brought to you by some amazing kids' activities bloggers, including Nurturestore, Happy Hooligans, Teach Preschool and more (including Mama Pea Pod!) 

Here's why you don't want to miss out:

+ It's an amazing resource!
+ Hands-on, play-based learning activities
+ Inspiring ideas, but really practical and everything all in one place
+ Great photos with step-by-step guides, and all things you can easily try at home
+ Over 25 ideas for preschoolers, ten printable resources (including a cityscape play scene, My First Journal pages, recipe card, numbers game, weather chart printables, alphabet play mats, unique hand-drawn art pages, conversation cards, block building challenge cards, bookmarks) and additional links to over 50 more activities!
+ A range of activities to meet your preschooler's various developmental needs: hands-on, learning through play, math, language, literacy, science, art, fine motor and gross motor, and play
+ While similar resources on Amazon retail for anywhere between $15-$25, ours is only $8.99, so order now so you don't miss out!!

Or find out more about Three to Five: Playful Preschool here!
