{Pool Noodle Patterning}

Pool Noodle Patterns

Playful Math Learning

Pool Noodle Patterns - title image

Pool noodles aren't just for swimming! See how we use them for playful math learning, too!

Last week I bought some pool noodles at the dollar store. I cut some slices off the ends. First we used the slices for printing with paint on the deck. They were the bumpy kind, so they made cute flower prints.

Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures on hand to share of the printing, but head over to Play Create Explore (one of my favourite messy play blogs!) to see some - they did the same thing this week!

Playing with pool noodles to make patterns for math learning

Then we tried using them to make patterns. I couldn't find any rope or washing line around at the grandparents' so instead we used a toy golf club to thread them onto.

stack of pool noodle slices to make math patterns

After all that math play we went swimming and used the remaining lengths of the pool noodles for swimming with.

What else could we use pool noodles for? (or as Princess Pea calls them, 'Nyoo-dles'!)