Join the Outdoor Play blog hop below! But first, our week outdoors...
No Walking On The Grass!
We've been visiting the grandparents and thought it would be nice to take the kids to the public city park. It's a lovely, good-sized, green space in the centre of the city, with trees, flowers, and a duck pond.
We thought it would be nice for them to run around, see the ducks and pond life, admire the flowers,
and play on some soft, green grass.
Unfortunately, a park employee came round and told them they're not allowed to walk on the grass.
Isn't the point of a city park so that people in the city can get in touch with nature?
('Touch' being a key word.)
Apparently, that's not the case here.
Here, nature is only for looking at from a distance.
And beautiful gardens are not really suitable places for children*.
(We were redirected to the "family play area" in the far corner of the park,
where we were assured the children could play and enjoy the park
without fear of "running into a rosebush" ??)
They weren't even allowed to walk on the grass next to the pond to be able to get close enough to see into the water. So much for checking out the pond life. And no chance to get a close-up look at the flowers either - that would require stepping onto the grass to get close enough to see them.
We thought it was sad that people aren't really allowed to enjoy this green space and interact with the nature that it brings to the downtown.
So sad, in fact, that Princess Pea went off to sulk in a bush (on the grass!) after she was told this disappointing news!
After her little sulk, however, Princess Pea came up with a plan! If she gave the park man some of these lovely flowers (dandilions and buttercups she picked from along the edge of the fence - almost not on the grass!), then he wouldn't be mad at her.
So off we set to the Family Play Area, weeds in hand.
Along the way, she decided she'd also distribute the flowers to everyone we passed by.
(She even interrupted a smooching couple to give them a flower!)
Finally, we reached the 'Family Lawn Area' where playing on the grass is permitted.
It was a rectangular patch of grass, with a cement chess table at one end.
It was true - there were no rosebushes to run into. In fact, no trees or bushes to run around or hide behind at all. No flowers to see or smell. No birds. No bugs.
Just grass and a few adults lying asleep on benches, actually. Looks enticing to play in, doesn't it? (ummm....)
Oh well. If all we get is grass, let's make the most of it! Off with the shoes!
Off with the socks!
Let's dance barefoot! (It's the best way, ya know!)
As you can see, they were being very destructive by being on the grass! (ahem....)
*Now, I could understand that they wouldn't want people playing ball games or frisbee around the flower beds, but really, just walking on the grass??
Anyway, now that I've got that out of my system, on with the blog hop!
Thanks so much to everyone who linked up last week! As always, there were some really inspiring ideas for getting outdoors to play! And please spread the word by sharing news of this blog hop on fb, twitter, or your own blog - the more people we can get here, the more ideas we all have to be inspired by!
One of my favourite ideas from last week was this Backyard Rope Course from The Great Green Room. This idea could be adapted for indoor use, too, and for all ages from baby to toddler to preschooler or beyond! I love a versatile idea!
How did your kids play outdoors this week?
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