{Christmas Angel Tree Topper}

There's nothing cuter on a Christmas tree than preschoolers' handmade decorations, right? This is one preschool Christmas craft that you will be sure to want to keep for years to come! I remember as a teenager being perfectly mortified when friends would come over to our house at Christmas and see all the homemade decorations on our tree that my mum had kept from when we were little! From the cotton ball snowmen to the gold macaroni tree, I tried in vain to convince her to throw them away. In fact, she still puts them on her tree every year, even though we now range in age from 29-37! (I won't tell you where I fall in there!) But now, as a mom, I totally get it! Nothing makes me smile more than seeing my kids' handiwork decorating our house at Christmas time. ♥

Now, Daddy Pea and I had been searching and searching for the perfect Christmas tree topper for several years, and every year our tree top was bare in waiting. But last year Princess Pea made this adorable angel for the top of our Christmas tree. I just love her! No need to look any further for that perfect tree topper for our family - we've found it and will be using it again and again! What could be better than a tree topper made by your child?

We found the inspiration in the Usborne Christmas Fun book of crafts for the preschool/early elementary-aged crowd, which we LOVE (we are huge fans of Usborne books. I've included links to some of their Christmas books at the bottom of this post).

Making her was really easy and we had such a nice, cozy time creating together - one of my favourite parts of the Christmas holidays at our house is making Christmas crafts together!

To make one, the directions are really simple: 

1. Draw around a plate to get a circle out of coloured paper or cardstock (or you could use old gift wrap, or even white paper that the kids have painted. The thicker it is, the sturdier the angel will be and the longer it will last). 

2. Cut the circle in half. One half is used to make a cone shape for the angel's body, while the other piece is folded in half again and trimmed to make the wings shape. 

3. Cut out a small paper circle for the head and glue on some hair out of yarn or embroidery thread or whatever you have. 

4. Unfold and attach the wings and the head to the body with tape or glue. 

5. Decorate with glue and glitter or glitter glue to add a sparkly holiday touch to it.

Isn't she beautiful? And I can't tell you how proud it makes Princess Pea to see her angel on the top of our Christmas tree!

This post is part of the Creative Christmas Countdown hosted by Creative With Kids and Red Ted Art, and featuring 24 of your favourite Kid Bloggers! Catch up with the rest of the creative advent activities over at the Creative Christmas Countdown 2012 main page.

You might also be interested in:

Paper Curl Christmas Trees (inspired by Usborne's 50 Christmas Things to Make and Do!)

Paper Christmas Tree Forest

Christmas Tradition: Saint Mikulás

Preschool Christmas Crafts

Standing Paper Christmas Trees

Sparkling Star of David Kids' Craft


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