Following from the last post, I put the fantastic idea at The Imagination Tree into practice and made a material box for Sweet Pea. It was super easy and took about 5 minutes, mostly spent trying to find fabric I didn't mind cutting up.
In the end, I used an old washcloth that is soft on one side and rough on the other; another old washcloth with an embroidered pattern on it and frilly edges; a piece of velour from the sleeve of an old baby jacket; a piece of cotton from the lining of the same jacket; a piece of an old cloth diaper; a sleeve of an old onesie; a brightly coloured fabric coaster (not shown), a roughly woven coaster (not shown); and an odd baby sock that has rubber grips on the sole.
Sweet Pea got into it right away and needed no instruction as to what to do with it!
Stuffing them back in again.
Oops, need to pull a little harder.
"Hmmm....tissues....I know what to do with these!"
I'd prefer to have more colours (other than the coasters, everything is pink and white!), but I can add to it as things become available. I'd also like to change to a different tissue box as this one is already getting beaten up after just 2 days of use. I have one exactly the same as the one in picture at The Imagination Tree, but I've already removed the plastic flappy part to use it as a crayon holder. I think I'll buy another one like it next time I'm out, though, as it's sort of plastic-y so is sturdier.
For more ideas of what to do with a tissue box, see the Tissue Box Challenge at JDaniel4'sMom!