Princess Pea and I have been playing with blocks and learning about symmetry in the process, with some super simple shape symmetry play.
We each build one side of a castle. I build my side first, then she has to copy it exactly on her side, matching up the shapes to make a symmetrical structure. It's great for shape recognition, problem-solving, and learning about geometry. As you can see, we didn't worry about matching the colours, just the shapes, but you could do that, too, if you liked.
I was impressed with how well she did with it, and she was very proud of herself, too!
Fun, play-based math learning, just the way we like it!
This post was originally written last summer as a guest post for Mom to 2 Posh L'il Divas. You can find loads more preschool-friendly math play ideas under her Preschool Math tab.
This post was originally written last summer as a guest post for Mom to 2 Posh L'il Divas. You can find loads more preschool-friendly math play ideas under her Preschool Math tab.

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