Today as part of the ABCs of Kids' Party Ideas series, I bring you the BEST ideas for KIDS PARTIES from F to J.
To see the rest of the best kids' party theme ideas, see the ABCs of Kids' Party Ideas main page.
Farm Party - by Frog, Goose and Bear - love the scarecrow!
Fairy Party - Sweet enchantment from The Imagination Tree
Flower Party - Flower garden party by The Imagination Tree
Gingerbread Party - If you've got a December birthday in your family, it can be awkward separating birthday from Christmas celebrations. I love the idea that Housing a Forest came up with - having a Gingerbread-themed birthday party! (This idea could also work as a Christmas party if you don't have December birthdays.)
Glow in the Dark Party - Growing a Jeweled Rose has some fantastically fun ideas for a glow-in-the-dark party! This kind of party could be for birthdays, Halloween, playdates, or just any old excuse to have a party for your little ones! (But be warned - Growing a Jeweled Rose likes her playdates MESSY!)
Gruffalo Party - Sweet Pea loves The Gruffalo stories by Julia Donaldson and requested a Gruffalo Party for her 3rd birthday. One of the cutest party themes ever, in my opinion! Also see my Gruffalo Fun pinterest board.
Heart Party - We threw this pink and red heart-themed party for Sweet Pea's birthday last year, but it could easily be adapted to a Valentine's Day Party! I had so much fun crafting all the little details for this party - some much-needed, quality 'Time for Mama'! You can find loads more heart-themed ideas here and here.
Harry Potter Party - for your budding wizard by Maxabella Loves
Ice-Cream Party - Another simple, summer party idea - an Ice Cream Party! This one by Frog, Goose and Bear with lots of printables looks amazing but surprisingly easy to pull off. An ice-cream bar is, of course, essential. You can find more ice-cream themed ideas here.
Japanese Themed Party - If you're looking for something truly original, Frog, Goose and Bear threw a sweet Japanese-themed party for their young Japanophile, with real Japanese games and activities.
Stay tuned for the next instalment tomorrow! Brought to you as part of:
MAMA TIPS & TRICKS - The ABCs of ...
Being a Hands On Mom - Hands On: As We Grow
Connecting With Your Kids - One Perfect Day
Fun, Healthy Snacks for Kids - Juggling with Kids
Kids' Party Ideas - Mama Pea Pod
Mama Survival - The Dizzy Mom
Printables - Mama Miss
Raising a Healthy Kid - Living Life Intentionally
Raising a Thinking Child - The Outlaw Mom
Raising a World Citizen - All Done Monkey
Raising Boys - Boy Mama Teacher Mama
Raising Eco-Friendly Kids - Kitchen Counter Chronicles
Raising Girls - Mess For Less
Raising Toddlers - Home Learning Journey
Simply Celebrating Holidays as a Family - Inspired by Family Magazine
Teaching Kids About Money - Carrots are Orange
The Family Dinner Table - Connecting Family and Seoul
The Organized Home - Mamas Like Me
Trying a New Experience With Your Children - 52 Brand New
Values For Children (Character Development) - True Aim Education