We had a spontaneous idea to make some Easter bonnets for our Easter Egg Hunt party. But we didn't have any good 'bonnet' base material on hand. So we made these Easter head bands instead! I like them just as much if not more than actual hats. (But you could just as easily use hats as the base.)
I made the bands out of strips of craft foam. They're very roughly done, but once covered you can't tell. I chose foam rather than card stock because a) we had it on hand, b) I thought it would be less likely to tear during the party, and c) it's softer and more comfortable to wear. I covered this one with an Easter-y ribbon, but the others are plain.
We had a bunch of egg-shaped pieces of card left over from last year's Easter Egg Hunt when we made shaving-foam marbled egg cards. (For that I had just made an egg-shaped cardboard template then traced it to make about a million card stock eggs.)
So we all (me, Princess Pea, Sweet Pea, and Granny Pea) decorated a bunch of them, all differently. We used a mix of markers, fake petals, Japanese origami papers, tissue paper, and some cardboard shapes that we recovered from the boxes of the new Strawberry Shortcake dolls the girls just got. We were out of glue, so we just used double-sided tape for everything.
Completely mess-free! Double-sided tape is my new crafting material of choice!
Then we taped the eggs around the bands with double-sided tape.
Simple, cute, suitable for all ages, and made completely out of stuff we had on hand. Just the kind of craft I like best!

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